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Wer wir sind

TakeOver ist eine kleine gemeinnützige Organisation mit Sitz in Berlin. Unser Ziel ist es, intersektionale Kampagnen-methoden und -kompetenzen für Akteur*innen zugänglich zu machen, die marginalisierten Gruppen und Gemeinschaften angehören, zu denen auch wir selbst gehören. Wir recherchieren und arbeiten an Konzepten und praktischen Ansätzen, veröffentlichen Publikationen und bieten Workshops sowie individuelle Beratung an. Die Themen: Strategieentwicklung, Taktik und Kampagnenplanung, Social Media, Pressearbeit, Podcasting, Fundraising und Crowdfunding.

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Whether as volunteers or as employees, we all are active in different contexts and social movements, initiatives and organisations. Further, we are all alumni of recent Campaign Boostcamps and have gathered experience in campaigning: From queer-feminist campaigns to campaigns against racism and other forms of oppression - we cover a whole range of subjects. The applicant is Kampagnenfabrik e.V. Since 2015, the association has been committed to providing campaigning know-how to activists and employees of NGOs. In recent years, the association has organised Campaign Boostcamp Germany in cooperation with Campaign Academy Ltd in the UK. Since the beginning of this year, we have been working with a largely new team on a new orientation of our work with an intersectional approach, which focuses on multiple experiences of discrimination.

"Without community, there is no liberation.” 

― Audre Lorde

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Whether as volunteers or as employees, we all are active in different contexts and social movements, initiatives and organisations. Further, we are all alumni of recent Campaign Boostcamps and have gathered experience in campaigning: From queer-feminist campaigns to campaigns against racism and other forms of oppression - we cover a whole range of subjects. The applicant is Kampagnenfabrik e.V. Since 2015, the association has been committed to providing campaigning know-how to activists and employees of NGOs. In recent years, the association has organised Campaign Boostcamp Germany in cooperation with Campaign Academy Ltd in the UK. Since the beginning of this year, we have been working with a largely new team on a new orientation of our work with an intersectional approach, which focuses on multiple experiences of discrimination.

"Solidarität ist nicht dasselbe wie Unterstützung. Um Solidarität zu erfahren, müssen wir eine Interessengemeinschaft, gemeinsame Überzeugungen und Ziele haben, um die wir uns vereinen, um eine Schwesternschaft aufzubauen. Unterstützung kann gelegentlich erfolgen. Sie kann gegeben und ebenso leicht wieder zurückgezogen werden. Solidarität erfordert nachhaltiges, kontinuierliches Engagement".

― bell hooks

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Whether as volunteers or as employees, we all are active in different contexts and social movements, initiatives and organisations. Further, we are all alumni of recent Campaign Boostcamps and have gathered experience in campaigning: From queer-feminist campaigns to campaigns against racism and other forms of oppression - we cover a whole range of subjects. The applicant is Kampagnenfabrik e.V. Since 2015, the association has been committed to providing campaigning know-how to activists and employees of NGOs. In recent years, the association has organised Campaign Boostcamp Germany in cooperation with Campaign Academy Ltd in the UK. Since the beginning of this year, we have been working with a largely new team on a new orientation of our work with an intersectional approach, which focuses on multiple experiences of discrimination.

“There is no thing as a single-issue struggle because we do not live single-issue lives.” 

― Audre Lorde

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How it started

Whether as volunteers or as employees, we all are active in different contexts and social movements, initiatives and organisations. Further, we are all alumni of recent Campaign Boostcamps and have gathered experience in campaigning: From queer-feminist campaigns to campaigns against racism and other forms of oppression - we cover a whole range of subjects. The applicant is Kampagnenfabrik e.V. Since 2015, the association has been committed to providing campaigning know-how to activists and employees of NGOs. In recent years, the association has organised Campaign Boostcamp Germany in cooperation with Campaign Academy Ltd in the UK. Since the beginning of this year, we have been working with a largely new team on a new orientation of our work with an intersectional approach, which focuses on multiple experiences of discrimination.

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