Was bedeutet Campaigning?
Strategische Entscheidungen
Analysiere die politische Situation, eure Kapazitäten und euer Ziel, um die Strategie zu identifizieren, die am besten geeignet ist, Veränderungen herbeizuführen. Setzt eure Stärken ein, um Wirkung zu erzielen.
Bewegt Menschen emotional und überzeugt sie davon, dass sie durch die Unterstützung eurer Aktivitäten und Kampagnen eine Veränderung bewirken können.
Schreibe Pressemitteilungen, die von Journalist*innen in ihren Artikeln zitiert werden, und erstelle Inhalte für soziale Medien und Newsletter, die die Menschen lesen und verbreiten möchten. Baue ein Netzwerk an Unterstützer*innen auf.
Baut Schritt für Schritt eine Basis von regelmäßigen Spender*innen auf oder finanziert ein Notfallprojekt mit Crowdfunding
Strategy development, tactics and campaign planning
Learn methods to analyse the political sitiuation and the actors involved as well as your movement in order to find the right strategy to reach your goal. Make a plan that can help give orientation to a larger team of people
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Social Media
Learn how to use Social Media channels for your goals. Which channels can be used for which purpose? How do I develop content that people will share and that will reach a lot of people? What is a good timing for posts?
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Strategy development, tactics and campaign planning
Learn methods to analyse the political sitiuation and the actors involved as well as your movement in order to find the right strategy to reach your goal. Make a plan that can help give orientation to a larger team of people
Social Media
Learn how to use Social Media channels for your goals. Which channels can be used for which purpose? How do I develop content that people will share and that will reach a lot of people? What is a good timing for posts?
Fundraising and Crowdfunding
All political work is work and it needs to be funded. It needs money and resources to bring about change. With the right fundraising skills, you can mobilize donations and build up your base of donors. Crowdfunding campaigns are meant to raise funds for a particular project or emergency quickly.
Press relations
Learn how to write press releases that journalists will quote and how to build up a list of press contacts strategically. What is the right timing and which issue is interesting for the press?
Press relations
Learn how to write press releases that journalists will quote and how to build up a list of press contacts strategically. What is the right timing and which issue is interesting for the press?
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